9 Mythical creatures that are mind blowing.

When one talks about a unicorn, the image of a tall white horse with a colourful spiralling horn and long mane, comes to our mind. The original representation of the unicorn was strikingly different from the modern representation. The unicorn had the body of an ass, the feet of a goat and purple head like that of a deer. Its horn is red at the tip, black in the middle and white at the bottom. The unicorn is also believed to have the ability to purify poisoned water.
Phoenix bird
Phoenix bird is said to have Golden feathers and a sharp haunting cry. This bird is believed to live up to 97000 years. When the bird realises that it is time for it to die the phoenix builds a nest of spices and fragrant branches that catches fire from the strong rays of sun. When it dies in flames the bird sings a mournful song, from its ashes ,a new Phoenix bird rises.
the werewolf is a mythical monster. it is a human who can change into a wolf. It can change shape either willingly  or after being cursed. This shape change occurs on the night of the full moon.
The werewolf is a common creature in European folklore. They have curved fingernails and their eyebrows meet at the bridge of their nose. If the body of a werewolf gets cut, a layer of fur can be seen within the wound.
mermaids are  beautiful aquatic creatures, half human half fish.
The song of the mermaid is believed to have haunted the sailors. It was believed that sailors who saw  mermaids ,where doomed to die at the sea. Mermaids were also notorious for bewitching men. Mermaids are sometimes associated with events like floods, storms and shipwrecks.
for Egyptians sphinx is a symbol of protection. It was having a body of a lion and a head of human.
The Greek tradition also had a sphinx.
The Greek sphinx has a woman's head, lions hunches and the wings of a bird. Sphinx statues were placed at the entrances of houses to ward off evil spirits. The largest and the most famous among these statues is the great sphinx of Giza.
the dragon is a huge creature that has wings like a bat and scales like a snake.
It can breathe fire and destroy anything in a matter of seconds. Dragons have been a subject of  imagination for a long time.
In the west, the dragons were considered as monsters.
The stories from countries like China and Japan have a different version of this creature. The dragon of the Orient are friendly and ferocious at the same time. These dragons didn't have wings.
krakens are giant octopus like sea monsters found in the nordic coast. This creature terrorizes the sailors.
The kraken has spikes on suckers and creates turbulent ripples and huge whirlpools in the sea. It is very very huge, that it was mistaken for an island from a distance. The modern representation of kraken has been shown in the film pirates of Caribbean.
the upper half of this creature resembled a rooster while the lower half looks like a snake. It also had a loud hiss and was thought to be a deadly creature. The skin of a dead basilisk was believed to repel snakes and spiders, its ashes too were powerful, if rubbed against silver, the silver could be turned into gold.
People believe that it was a crested snake that came out of an egg laid by a rooster and hatched by a toad.
Abominable snowman
The abominable snowman is also known as yati. It is an ape like creature believed to live in the Himalayas. It walks upright and its body is covered in fur. Yadi is part of Himalayan culture. There are many accounts of sighting of yati and even photograph of its footprints.


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